
イベントレポート 公開

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2024/06/23,24 OTOTEN2024 イベントレポート

イベントレポート 公開 Read More »

2024/07/01 架空01


2024/07/01 架空01 Read More »

Next Model AP-01EM

“I want to use my own and favarite tone arm !”

YUKISEIMITSU AUDIO team has been engineering to meet this request.
Along with the vivid musical experience that the AP-01 offers,
Each one of tone arms will ingeniously draw out the charm of the sound.
The turntable merges with the arm in EMPATHY.

Here, AP-01EM , an armless record player of AP-01 for you.


AP-01 本来の瑞々しい音楽体験に加え、各社アーム固有の魅力を巧みに引き出します


Next Model AP-01EM Read More »

6/15-16 九州ハイエンドオーディオフェア in 鹿児島にAP-01が出展します / AP-01 at The High & Audio Fair in Kagoshima (15-16 Jun).

YUKISEIMITSU AUDIO will exhibit at the Kyushu High-End Audio Fair in Kagoshima.

We look forward to seeing you all at our booth.

Holding period:
Jun 15th (Sat) – 16th (Sun), 2024
10: 00-18:00 (until 17:00 on the last day)
Li-Ka 1920 5F special venue

Click here for details and application

九州ハイエンドオーディオフェアin鹿児島にYUKISEIMITSU AUDIOが出展致します。


2024年6月15日(土)-16日(日) 10:00-18:00
Li-Ka 1920 5F特設会場(南国ホール&ホワイエ)


6/15-16 九州ハイエンドオーディオフェア in 鹿児島にAP-01が出展します / AP-01 at The High & Audio Fair in Kagoshima (15-16 Jun). Read More »

AP-01がフランスのクラシック音楽誌「Diapason」、「13Maillons de reve (夢の13製品)」の1つに選ばれました / AP-01 is selected as one of the “13 Maillons de reve” of the French music magazine Diapason

Diapason magazine, since 68 years of its creation, has been a reliable source of information for classical music lovers, as well as for audiophiles in France. We are honored to be featured in such a prestigious magazine.

The AP-01 is designed to carefully convert the minute information carved in the grooves of a record onto the needle without missing a thing, and to carefully convert it into electric current.

Our “aspiration” is to share the beauty and joy of music across time and borders, and to be an entity that connects people’s hearts and minds.


「Diapason magazine」は創刊68年に渡り、フランスのクラシック音楽愛好家にとって信頼性の高い情報源として多くの方に親しまれています。このような格式高い雑誌に掲載いただけたことを光栄に思います。





AP-01がフランスのクラシック音楽誌「Diapason」、「13Maillons de reve (夢の13製品)」の1つに選ばれました / AP-01 is selected as one of the “13 Maillons de reve” of the French music magazine Diapason Read More »

6/22-23 OTOTEN2024にNEW MODEL AP-01EMが出展します / NEW MODEL AP-01EM at OTOTEN 2024 (22-23/06) in Tokyo.

NEW MODEL AP-01EM will be exhibiting at OTOTEN 2024, “Japan’s Largest Audio and Home Theater Festival” held at the Tokyo International Forum.

Holding period:
June 22th (Sat) -23th (Sun), 2024 10: 00-19: 00 (until 17:00 on the last day)
Tokyo International Forum (Glass Building 6F, G605)

Click here
for details and application
* OTOTEN 2024 is a complete pre-registration system.
* Exhibitors, press, and related parties also need to register in advance to enter.

東京国際フォーラムにて開催される「日本最大級のオーディオとホームシアターの祭典」OTOTEN2024にNEW MODEL AP-01EMを国内初展示します。

開催期間:2024年6月22日(土)-23日(日) 10:00-19:00(最終日は17:00まで)


6/22-23 OTOTEN2024にNEW MODEL AP-01EMが出展します / NEW MODEL AP-01EM at OTOTEN 2024 (22-23/06) in Tokyo. Read More »

HIGH END MUNICH 2024にAP-01が出展します / Press Release : AP-01 at HIGH END MUNICH 2024

The high-end turntable AP-01 will be presented at HIGH END MUNICH 2024 in Germany from 9 – 12 May 2024.

This analog record player is designed and developed entirely by YUKI Precision.

Come and visit the room Atrium 4.2, F231f and enjoy listening to the special sound from our original system of magnetic bearing and pure straight tone arm.

2024年5月9日から12日までドイツのHIGH END MUNICH 2023でAP-01が展示されます。

Atrium 4.2, F231fにて、マグネットベアリングとピュアストレートトーンアームがおりなす音色を聞きにいらしてください。


HIGH END MUNICH 2024にAP-01が出展します / Press Release : AP-01 at HIGH END MUNICH 2024 Read More »

4/27 CAVIN大阪屋にてAP-01の試聴会を行います / On April 27th, a listening event for the AP-01 will be held at CAVIN Osakaya.

The listening event for the AP-01 will be held at CAVIN Osakaya.

Date: Saturday, April 27, 2024, from 1:00 p.m.
Location: CAVIN Osakaya Listening Room 6F

You can also enjoy a thorough explanation of the AP-01 by Professor Obara and development stories by the development manager, Nagamatsu.

For more information, please contact CAVIN Osakaya by phone.
※Seats are limited, please be sure to check the details before coming.

開催日程:2024年4月27日(土) 13:00より
場所: キャビン大阪屋 6F特設会場


4/27 CAVIN大阪屋にてAP-01の試聴会を行います / On April 27th, a listening event for the AP-01 will be held at CAVIN Osakaya. Read More »

2024年4月17日からDYNAMIC AUDIO 5555にてAP-01が展示されます / AP-01 will be showcased at DYNAMIC AUDIO 5555 from April 17 in Akihabara

From April 17, 2024, you can hear and feel the real sound of AP-01 for limited period at DYNAMIC AUDIO 5555.
We recommend making your reservations ASAP to have this exceptional experience.

Contact Information :
TEL : 03-3253-5555
FAX : 03-3253-5556
MAIL : moroishi@dynamicaudio.co.jp
(Contact Person: Mr. Moroishi, in charge of 4F H.A.L.3)

Right now, DINAMIC AUDIO 5555 is the only place in the Kanto region where you can listen to the sound of the AP-01. Please come and visit the store and explore this opportunity.

2024年4月17日からDYNAMIC AUDIO 5555にて期間限定でAP-01を試聴いただけます。


TEL : 03-3253-5555
FAX : 03-3253-5556
MAIL : moroishi@dynamicaudio.co.jp
(4F H.A.L.3 フロア担当 諸石様)

現在、関東圏でAP-01をご試聴いただけるのはDINAMIC AUDIO 5555のみです。

2024年4月17日からDYNAMIC AUDIO 5555にてAP-01が展示されます / AP-01 will be showcased at DYNAMIC AUDIO 5555 from April 17 in Akihabara Read More »

4/3刊行 季刊誌アナログ VOL.83 にて最高峰のGold Awardを獲得しました / Gold Award for the AP-01 at analog Grand Prix 2024

We are thrilled to announce that our audio masterpiece, the AP-01, has achieved the pinnacle of recognition: the Gold Award at the analog Grand Prix
2024, hosted by the specialized audio magazine “analog” (published on April 3rd 2024).
This achievement is a proof to the unwavering support from all of you who championed the AP-01. Thank you sincerely.

The previous turntable, the AP-0, which took two and a half years of the development and obtained the analog Grand Prix 2021 Special Award, now, the
AP-01, the new model, we have finally attained the highest accolade.

“What does it mean to mechanically function a turntable correctly?”

This design concept posed a challenge to us – an engineering team with no prior experience in audio development.
Drawing inspiration from precision craftsmanship in fields like aerospace and medical device technology, we set out to explore the challenge. The AP-01 is the result, a realization of our vision.
We are deeply grateful for this recognition.

This award will serve us as renewed motivation and encouragement to continue to strive for greater heights and to evolve into even better products.

We eager to discover the harmonious resonance between your audio systems and the AP-01, which would create a new world of sound, and also a shared passion for music.

このたび「AP-01」はオーディオ専門誌「analog」(4月3日発行)主催のanalog Grand Prix 2024にて、最高峰のGold Awardを獲得しました。これも一重に、AP-01を応援して頂いた皆様のお陰です。

二年半の開発を経て完成した前身のAP-0ではanalog Grand Prix 2021特別賞を受賞、そして、昨年発売した新型機AP-01にて遂に最高評価を頂くことが叶いました。





4/3刊行 季刊誌アナログ VOL.83 にて最高峰のGold Awardを獲得しました / Gold Award for the AP-01 at analog Grand Prix 2024 Read More »