StereoSound 223号にオーディオプレーヤー「AP-0」が掲載されました / Our analog record player, AP-0, was featured in the edition N°223 of STEREO SOUND. | YUKISEIMITSU AUDIO


StereoSound 223号にオーディオプレーヤー「AP-0」が掲載されました / Our analog record player, AP-0, was featured in the edition N°223 of STEREO SOUND.

Yuki Precision’s analog audio player “AP-0” was published in “Stereo Sound” published on June 2, 2022.

This magazine is a special issue of “55th Anniversary Special Project = Audio Hall of Fame”, and we are very pleased to have it published in the historical magazine that was first published in 1966 as Japan’s first specialized audio magazine.

Please take a look.

Stereo Sound ONLINE

2022年6月2日刊行 季刊「StereoSound」に由紀精密のアナログオーディオプレーヤー「AP-0」が掲載されました。



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